PDN Photo of the Day

Summer Freeze (10 Photos)

Summer Freeze (10 Photos)


All Photos © Santiago Vanegas

Atlanta based photographer Santiago Vanegas spent three weeks on a journey to the Antarctic aboard a ferry boat. “I was a bit shocked to find out at the last minute I was going down to the ends of the earth on a ferry boat,” he says. But it was a chance to capture the cold, raw beauty of the continent that most people don’t get the chance to see. Traveling with 60 others, including photographers and scientists, Vanegas shot images from the ferry, as well as from small zodiac boats. And each day he managed to shoot from various locations on land. “I did this from my desire to explore and get as many vantage points as possible, but also to just make contact with the Antarctica continent,” he says. He used a Hasselblad with a digital back to capture the landscape and rapidly changing environment of the continent.

Vanegas’s work from Antarctica is currently on display at the Rojo Galeria in Bogota, Colombia. His new series, Invisible Ink , is also being shown at the Galerie Huit’s Open Salon an ‘Eye for an Ear’ exhibit in Arles, France until the end of September then continuing on to South East Asia in January 2013.























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  1. These are really amazing photos. Makes me want to go and check it out. Thanks for sharing this with us!

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