PDN Photo of the Day



Photo by Amélia Lourenço. Lourenço, a lawyer and photography student in Portugal, writes:

Last November I was visiting Chicago, which I do every two years, and went on a photographic walk looking for the faces I so much admire of those people who suffer and keep going…. This guy I met around 9am.  He and three more guys were just coming off this van, driven by a white guy and they were being dropped at a corner of a street to go and distribute the newspaper. I stopped and started talking to them, telling them that I was studying photography and would they mind my taking some pictures. They were smashing guys… They all said yes, and we had a laugh and kicked around for a few minutes…. This particular picture came about because I told the guy that I loved hands, could I photograph is hands and he was so nice that he promptly showed his hands.

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  1. Hi,

    Just to let everybody know that the title on my photo is wrong. I did not call it “Hands”, but “HOPE”, as Hope is the feeling I wanted to convey when I did this picture. Look at openess of these hands holding the hope of so many around the world.

    Amelia Lourenço

  2. Pingback: Hope | Jempolr

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