PDN Photo of the Day

Weathered Celebrities (5 Photos)

Weathered Celebrities (5 Photos)

© Andy Gotts. Above: Robert DeNiro

These portraits of Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Lauren Bacall, Clint Eastwood, and Jeff Bridges are from celebrity photographer Andy Gotts‘s soon-to-be-released photographic project ‘iCons.’ The project book and exhibition will feature actors, musicians and others who have reached the apex of their fields. Gotts, who is based in the UK, has been a celebrity photographer for more than twenty years and is noted for his ‘warts and all’ portraits of Hollywood stars. Gotts recently received Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE) honors from Queen Elizabeth.

Follow Andy on twitter – @DrGotts

 Al Pacino

Lauren Bacall

 Clint Eastwood

Jeff Bridges

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  1. There is definitely a real interest in seeing well known faces perhaps in a way you are not used to seeing them. The great thing about viewing pictures in this way of celebrities who have reached the “apex of their field” is that not only have their faces become more weathered, but we have also seen them many times before looking as you would expect a celebrity to.

  2. Absolutely amazing,these faces tell a story all by themselves,beautifully photographed,puts me in mind of Karsh,gorgeous…..

  3. I have profound respect for Lauren Bacall for having the courage to allow this photo. What an amazing person. What a strong woman.

  4. These people look proud of having lived their lives in the present, and not like they desperately attempting to hold on to their past.

  5. It’s a bit startling yet REAL to see these famous people as they ARE…Its amazing what radiates from INSIDE thru their eyes and from the LIFE on their faces.Lauren Bacall is still a BEAUTIFUL LAdy, someone her children grandchildren and I know Mr Bogart is SO PROUD of! Each one a WINNER, and ABSOLUTELY GREAT!

  6. Real people with REAL lives, just like the rest of us, who knew!! they ALL look incredible. Al – give me a call – we’re go barefoot together. :)

  7. Excellent pictures. It’s nice to see real people. Every one of their lines, every single wrinkle was well earned and probably has a darned good story to go with it.

  8. What interesting lives they have lived, shared, loved. I have met Clint, saw Robert D crossing 7th avenue in NYC years ago, loved the work of Pacino, my lifelong shero Lauren (married my first love, Bogey) and the work they have all done has weathered well, just like they were captured here. Inspiring. Botox free and thrilled that one day my laugh lines will enlighten others on the life I have had.

  9. These pictres made me weep. Not all of them, but some. I cried(and am still teary eyed) when I saw Lauren Bacall. I was so in love with her. Now she’s unrecognizable, weathered beyond belief, and she just looks sad, and so very tired. I predict she won’t last another year, 2 at the most. Goodbye Lauren, just put your lips together and blow. Yes, I still know how to whistle. xoxo

  10. love these photos, real honest portraits. but I have to say to Gill, Photoshop has so many more uses than for those who think they are “fixing faces”. It is so often essential to some of our work, I am glad that it is available.

  11. Bacall is an excellent role model for young people. She is a true survivor, taking care of her kids while watching the love of her life be taken away from her and going on with her life by giving the world some great performances.

  12. Al is still sexy and gorgous! Lauren Becall is still a beauty and the age of these faces makes them more beautiful and interesting. I don’t know why society is so hung up on smoothe faces and empty brains. Just look at the wisdom of life in these faces.

  13. To have lived their lives as they wanted, to have touched so many by their art, those small lines in their faces are much more a thing of beauty, than the silicone infused falseness that seems to be prevelant today. If you look Into their eyes, you see wisdom, and a bit of humor. I am eternally a fan and only hope to be as strong willed and enthusiastic about life as they are.

  14. These photos are wonderful. The young people of today need to take heed. The pursuit of the false perfection they see reflected in all media everywhere only makes for misery as we cannot truly achieve it. Television ads show Diane Keaton without one wrinkle while advertising age-defying makeup. If you see Diane in un-retouched photos, she is still beautiful but does not look wrinkle-free. These photos are lovely and powerful. People can be beautiful regardless of age, they simply cannot be young regardless of age. Thank you for these photos!

  15. I love all of these photos and the actors in them — warts and all. What worldly faces they all have. Clint is my favorite and no matter how old he gets or looks, he can make my day, any day of the week! Thank you all for allowing these to be shown – these are people who are happy in their own skin!

  16. Refreshing photos of personalities that helped shape our original definition of the term movie “star”. Photo manipulation programs are the order of the day in magazines and book covers, social media and any print medium. This is what years of living and experience will sculpt in a face. Character and a story of life the likes of which we can reflect. I like these faces from the book of life.

  17. Wonderful! Grow old gracefully! I’d have the men any day!!! No offence to Ms Bacall….shame Humphry isn’t around! BRILLIANT PHOTOGRAPHY! Thanks!

  18. Wonderful celebrities, wonderful project.
    However, it is surprising how many think this is the “natural look” and think photo editing was not done. Guess what makes all the pores, wrinkles and desaturation such so enhanced?

  19. Eastwood and Bacall are my life long heroes. Both are fantastic and professional actors, of a kind one rarely finds on screen anymore. They are and will always be my idea of the perfect man and woman. Eastwood with his mysterious and sorrowful roles in a wide range of westerns and his amazing works as director. And Bacall, the woman who could make a man fall on his feet with the move of a shoulder. Never have I seen such an amazing use of body language from another person, off or on screen.
    Certainly the most gorgeous starlet in the history of Hollywood and a sensational actress. I wish them both long and happy lives at their ripe ages.

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