PDN Photo of the Day

A Fracking Victory

“PEDL 143,” a series by Ben Terzza, looks at the protest camp that beat fracking in Leith Hill, a woodland area in Surrey, England. Situated within a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), Leith Hill is of considerable ecological importance. 

Terrazzo began working on “PEDL 143” in late April 2017. By this time, protestors had been living at an anti-drilling camp in Leith Hill for more than 3 years. Even though Leith Hill is an AONB and meant to be protected for decades to come, the government of the United Kingdom granted the Europa Oil and Gas company permission to drill in the area under License PEDL 143. Initial drilling was meant to pave the way for further oil extraction.

In June, shortly after Terzza began documenting the camp, the protestors were forcibly evicted. They set up a new solar powered camp across the road and continued their daily rhythm of maintaining food supplies, preparing for the seasons, monitoring activity at the drill site, and keeping on top of appeals and decisions related to the legal battle. The camp was occupied by 3-4 permanent residents and also regulars who would stay weekends. After lighting the fire for hot water and cooking, the protestors – who ranged from academics to artists to gardeners – would talk to the many day trippers who visited the site. Over a cup of tea, the long-time protestors would explain the risks of drilling in the area.

It took a few weeks for Terzza to gain the protestors’ trust. But after staying at the camp and helping with chores, he was able to make portraits of some of the protestors. To create the series, he visited the site over a total of four months with stays ranging from one night to a week.

In September 2018, the camp celebrated a major victory. Europa’s lease wasn’t renewed by the UK government and they left the site. Terzza feels strongly that the camp played a significant role in the outcome by educating locals and bringing them together in opposition to the drilling.

Though Tezza has always been passionate about the environment, his time at the camp in Leith Hill changed his life dramatically. He became a vegan and began leading a more sustainable lifestyle in North Wales where he moved not long after completing “PEDL 143.”

Follow Terzza on Instagram. He also curates Kaputt Magazine, a platform for black and white photography.

“PEDL 143.”
By Ben Terzza

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