PDN Photo of the Day

Paul Graham’s America

A new show brings together more than a decade of work by Paul Graham, the British-born photographer who explores racial and social inequality and the texture of everyday life in the United States. “Paul Graham: The Whiteness of the Whale,” on view at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta until October 22, highlights work from three of Graham’s series. In “American Night,” Graham explores blindness and sight, using figures with bandaged eyes and landscapes that have been whitewashed to rendering the people in them barely visible. In “a shimmer of possibility,” inspired by Chekhov’s short stories, Graham collects sequences of small actions, from a couple carrying home groceries to a man smoking while waiting for a bus, building interwoven “filmic haikus” that tell subtle stories. And in “The Present,” Graham works in the tradition of New York street photography, making multiple exposures of scenes a few seconds apart, to “mimic how we experience the world and encourage the viewer to see the connections between the subjects’ disparate lives,” the museum writes. “American identity and experience are constantly evolving,” says Gregory Harris, assistant curator of photography at the High, in a statement. “Graham’s photographs speak to that fluidity and challenge audiences to look with increased intensity at the people, places and things they encounter in their everyday lives.”

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