PDN Photo of the Day

Rebuilding Lance Armstrong (4 photos)

Rebuilding Lance Armstrong (4 photos)

Lance Armstrong prepares for his comeback to competitive cycling on a training ride in Austin, Texas September 6, 2008.

All Photos © Elizabeth Kreutz / Corbis

Elizabeth Kreutz‘s photo essay, “Lance Armstrong—The Comeback 2.0,” documented seven-time Tour de France champion Lance Armstrong’s bid to return to competitive cycling.

Images from Kreutz were included in the PDN Photo Annual 2010 online gallery.

Armstrong is examined in a hospital after he broke his collarbone in a crash during Castilla Y Leon cycling race in Baltanas Spain, March 23, 2009.

Armstrong is examined in a hospital after he broke his collarbone in a crash during Castilla Y Leon cycling race in Baltanas Spain, March 23, 2009.

Armstrong works out in his home gym as he prepares for his comeback to competitive cycling.

Armstrong works out in his home gym as he prepares for his comeback to competitive cycling.

Armstrong comforts his girlfriend Anna Hansen as she nurses their newborn son, Max in his nursery at their home in Aspen, Colorado.

Armstrong comforts his girlfriend Anna Hansen as she nurses their newborn son, Max in his nursery at their home in Aspen, Colorado.

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