PDN Photo of the Day

Southside Nazarene Church

 Southside Nazarene Church

“Southside Nazarene is an evangelical Christian church located in Midlothian, Virginia. I photographed a church service for Newsweek on January 11, 2009. This picture is of the church choir during a Sunday service.

One of the most incredible things about being a photographer is bearing witness to all types of events and lives. This has changed me and the connection I feel with the world. In this picture you see a woman being transformed by her own faith. There have been times when I’ve seen other things like this and haven’t been as lucky to get it on film. They are the moments that remain ingrained in my mind and remind me of how lucky I am to have seen the things I have. They are what keep me taking pictures.”

Photograph by Lauren Fleishman.

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